Chenyu You

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Chenyu You
Assistant Professor
Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics
Department of Computer Science
Stony Brook University

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Chenyu You is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics and the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. He is also affiliated with the CVLab and AI institute. Previously, he received his Ph.D. in 2024 from Yale University under the advisement of James S. Duncan, his M.S. in 2019 from Stanford University under the advisement of Daniel Rubin, and his B.S. in 2017 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute under the advisement of Ge Wang, all in electrical engineering. He has also spent wonderful time at Facebook AI Research (FAIR), as well as Google Research.

His current research interests focus on the principles and practice of machine intelligence, often with a focus on generalization, and making machine learning more reliable. His applied research includes applications to healthcare, biomedical imaging, and cognitive neuroscience. See his publications and research topics for more details.

[Note]: I am actively looking for motivated students and interns to join my group. If you are interested, please read prospective students, and review my research page.



  • Email: [AT] stonybrook [DOT] edu

  • Address: Math Tower, A-148, Stony Brook, NY 11794